Siân A McLean Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013

Siân A McLean

Ms Siân McLean is a research coordinator within the Body Image and Eating Disorder Research group at La Trobe University. She has conducted a number of research trials of body image and disordered eating interventions for adolescents, young adults, and midlife women, with a focus on body acceptance as a primary outcome. At present, Siân’s research interests are concentrated on identifying and understanding factors that contribute to increased risk for developing body dissatisfaction and on evaluating school-based interventions to prevent the onset of body image concerns and eating disorders in early teenagers. Siân is currently undertaking a PhD where she will examine the ways in which young people can protect themselves against the potentially detrimental effects of media images on body image, and will also explore in more depth the particular aspects of prevention programs that are most helpful for teenagers.

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