Xiaochu Cai Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013

Xiaochu Cai

Xiaochu Cai is currently a PhD candidate under the supervision of Dr Michelle Kett (NHF fellow) in the Department of Physiology at Monash University. Xiaochu completed his honours degree in 2008 in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology under the supervision of Prof. Tony Tiganis in the field of insulin signaling. Following honours, he moved from cell signaling research to cardiovascular and renal physiology research by taking up a research assistant position working with his current PhD supervisor, Dr Kett in Department of Physiology. He started his PhD with Dr Kett in 2011 and was subsequently awarded a NHMRC and National Heart Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship to carry out his PhD study. Xiaochu’s current research focuses on the impact of obesity on the cardiovascular and renal adaptations during pregnancy.

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