Radhika V Seimon Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013

Radhika V Seimon

Dr Radhika Seimon is passionate about finding more effective dietary approaches for the prevention and management of human obesity that minimise appetite, promote favourable changes in body composition and optimise weight loss. Dr Seimon completed her PhD in 2012 at the University of Adelaide, where her research focused on the interrelated, oral and gastrointestinal mechanisms regulating appetite and energy intake in humans. Immediately after completion she moved to the University of Sydney's Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise & Eating Disorders. Her current research lies in obesity physiology and is focused on the effects on appetite and body composition of severe versus moderate dietary energy restriction. It is of utmost clinical significance given the importance of maintaining optimum body composition for reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, frailty and osteoporosis, and given the increasing use of severe energy restriction for the clinical management of obesity. In 2014, she was awarded a NHMRC Peter Doherty – Australian Biomedical Fellowship (Postdoctoral) (2014-2017). Furthermore, in the same year she won the Endocrine Society of Australia Postdoctoral Award and was the recipient of the Australia New Zealand Obesity Society Young Investigator Award. Radhika Seimon (PhD, University of Adelaide 2012), NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow (2014-2017).

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