Poster Presentation Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013

Comparative Study of depression in obese men and women (#244)

Manjiri Patankar 1
  1. Insta Sculpt, Mumbai, India, Dubai and Kuwait


Evaluate the longitudinal bi directional relationship between obesity, gender and depression.


Popular concepts of body image and thinness, affect women more than men. Being obese is more likely to be negative in women because of society's ideal of a thin woman, an ideal that isn't as powerful as a male counterpart.


A randomized trial of 1997 respondents was done. In this study we focused 998 males and 999 females aged 30–55 years with BMI [Body mass index] between 30 to 35 as a measure for obesity along with structured psychiatric interview through a Patient Health questionnaire. The questionnaire included assessment on signs of depression as Irritability, mood swings, feeling of low self esteem etc.


Obesity at baseline increases the risk of onset of depression. Obese female with a BMI ≥30 are 70% more prone to depression while obese men with a BMI of ≥30 are just 30% prone to depression.

Depression affects twice as many women as men. Obese women are 39 times more likely to suffer from depression than those of normal weight. In contrast, obese men are only 2.54 times more likely to be depressed, compared to men of normal weight


Among middle-aged women, depression is strongly and consistently associated with obesity.In overweight or obese patients, mood should be monitored. This awareness could lead to prevention, early detection, and co treatment for ones at risk, which could ultimately reduce the burden of both conditions.