PREVIEW is a new 5-y EU project (2013-2017) under the FP7, KBBE programme. The primary goal is to identify the most efficient lifestyle pattern for the prevention of type-2 diabetes in a population of pre-diabetic overweight or obese individuals.
The project comprises two distinct lines of evidence, both embracing European and overseas countries:
1) A multicentre, clinical randomized intervention trial (3 years) with a total of 2,500 pre-diabetic participants, including children, adolescents, adults and elderly. The impact of a high-protein, low-glycemic index diet vs. the officially recommended diet in combination with moderate or high intensity physical activity on the incidence of type-2 diabetes will be investigated. The trial will be performed in 8 centres.
2) Large population studies using data from all age groups in European and overseas countries (estimated persons included = 170,000). Modelling strategies will be used.
Focus in both lines of evidence will be on specific diet (protein, glycemic index) and intensity of physical activity, their interaction with the lifestyle factors: habitual stress and sleeping pattern as well as behavioural, environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic variables.
PREVIEW includes 12 European and 3 overseas partners.
From Europe: Raben, University of Copenhagen (DK), Project Coordinator; Fogelholm, University of Helsinki (FI); Feskens, Wageningen University (NL); Westerterp-Plantenga, Maastricht University (NL); MacDonald, University of Nottingham UK); Martinez, University of Navarra (ES); Handijev, Medical University Sofia (BU); Stratton, Swansea University (UK); Schlicht, University of Stuttgart (DE); Meyer, Meyers Madhus (DK); Lam, NetUnion (CH); Sundvall, National Institute for Health and Welfare (FI);
From overseas countries: Brand-Miller, University of Sydney (AUS); Poppitt, University of Auckland (NZ); Tremblay, Laval University (CAN).
The research described here receives funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 312057