Poster Presentation Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013

34 Years of Being Trapped by Food and Weight and Finally Breaking Free: One Person's Story (#194)

Kellee Waters 1
  1. The FAT Key, Grange, QLD, Australia

The story of a life that was consumed and trapped by food, weight and body for over 34 years. From the age of 18 months the journey began with obesity and food addiction followed by anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, night-time eating, yo-yo dieting and adult obesity. The struggles, the turmoil, the diets, the counselling, the self-help books, dieticians and more and all just kept her trapped on the negative cycle.

She always new that there was something missing...a piece of the puzzle that had not fully helped her or explained her years of being trapped by food, weight and her body. Finally she discovered the answer, the piece of the addiction. Once she realised that this was the underlying cause for all of her issues, she developed a program to help herself break free of food, weight and her body. She is now living life rather than existing in it! She loves food and food is now her friend, not her enemy.

  1. Waters (2013), Food Addiction Therapy: The Simple Eating Plan