Oral Presentation Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013

Obesity and Eating Disorders: Is there a problem? (#37)

Anita Star 1
  1. Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

The prevalence of co-morbid obesity and eating-disordered behaviour in the Australian general population is increasing, such that approximately one in five obese adults engage in behaviours such as binge eating, fasting and purging. The literature suggests co-morbidity with eating disorder behaviours are higher again among clients of obesity treatment clinics.  Eating disorder behaviours and cognitions negatively impact on the psychological wellbeing of sufferers, and increase the risk of excessive weight gain longitudinally.  Community stigma toward sufferers of obesity and eating disorders is high, whilst conversely a notable minority, particularly young women and sufferers of obesity, have a positive regard for the weight control aspects of eating disorders, despite the negative impact on psychological wellbeing. In this session Anita will provide an overview of obesity and disordered eating co-morbidity and the importance of its recognition in prevention and treatment settings.